Students’ Self-government of WTŻ

The Student Government consists of all students of a given university. Each year, representatives of the Student Self-Government Faculty Council (called RWSS) are elected from among students, and representatives of the Student Self-Government University Council (abbreviated RUSS) are then elected. Members of the RWSS choose from among themselves the Presidium of the Faculty, whose President is the head of the entire Faculty Council and obtains the mandate of a member of the Faculty Council, representing students before the Faculty Authorities.

The Presidium of the Faculty Council of the Food Technology Students' Self-Government
Chairwoman: Izabela Góryń
Vice-chairwoman: Aleksandra Matwiejuk
Secretary: Patryk Kołota
Let the students speak:
“Hi! This is Iza, Ola and Patryk – the Presidium of the Faculty Council of the Student Government of our faculty. As student representatives, we would like to thank you very much for the trust we got from you. Our business is to improve and develop the department’s work day by day. We cooperate with the faculty authorities, as well as with the self-governments of other faculties of our university or research clubs. Representing all students of the Faculty of Economics, we take part in work on the quality of education, study programs and regulations. Our priority is to make our Green one a second home for students. We all form one big family and that is why we are guided by the slogan LET’S DO COOL THINGS TOGETHER !
Studies are the best time of our lives, so let’s use it in the best possible way.
If you want to join us, go ahead and do it now! Let the green power be with you! “