We invite you to visit us during 21st edition of SGGW DAYS, which this year will be held on 19 and 20 May.
We have prepared many attractions:
- Food printing – presentation of the possibility of 3D printing of selected food products
- Food in the lens of the microscope
- Freeze-dried food
- Quiz – “Guess what am I?”
- “In the world of coffee”
- “Children’s Corner”
- “Magic chemistry” show
- Microbiological quiz
- PUZZLE – arranging images of products that are produced with the help of microorganisms (yeasts, molds, bacteria).
- Colorful microorganisms – preparations stained in the microscopic image
- What is in the yeast cube and pickles?
- Regional fermented products
- Microorganisms in food production
- Food additives
- Edible insects – presentation of edible insect products approved for consumption by the EU, discussion of the possibilities of use and their nutritional value
- Distillation – presentation of the distillation process of essential oils from orange peel or herbs
- Quiz
- Taste recognition test
- Smell recognition test
- Familiarization with the methods of assessing the quality and freshness of eggs
- Canned – a demonstration of closing cans with a double fold
- At the butcher’s – check if you can recognize the elements of a pork or beef carcass
- Quiz – can you handle the butcher shop?
- Which is better? – checking the knowledge on the composition of the selected meat product
- “How to buy cheese?” – practical tips related to the purchase of cheeses
- “Microcosm in dairy products” – competition “match” a dairy product and a photo of the microflora contained in it.
- “Map of cheeses” – a competition consisting in matching the region, the name of the cheese and its photo
- Bread from around the world
- “Grain – what will we produce from you” – a competition, you need to recognize and assign a grain from a specific cereal and the groats and flakes obtained from it
- Explore the world of fruit – presentation and characteristics of fruit. Discussion and comparison of the composition and properties of the fruit
- Juices, nectars and drinks – what’s the difference? – presentation of substances that can be added to individual products Discussion of the differences between the production process of NFC and FC juices. Possibility of self-reconstitution of FC juice
- Fruit and cereal rebuses – knowledge hidden in the picture. For the correct solution, the participant receives a prize
- “Secrets of oils” – Presentation of various oils and oils. Discussion of quality and nutritional differences in oils, especially cold-pressed. Presentation and discussion of vegetable oil production technology. Competition with prizes – distinguishing oily raw materials
- “Secrets of food concentrates” – Presentation of a diverse range of lunch, dessert and coffee concentrates. Answering questions from interested parties, discussing the production process of food concentrates
There will also be open lectures by specialists from our faculty (in Polish):
🥃 Do you know what you drink?
🦗 Will we eat insects in the future?
🥡 Can food packaging be edible?
🦠 ABC of interesting, dangerous and useful bacteria
🌀 Enzymes – a powerful accelerator with a tiny command center
Detailed program of SGGW DAYS