Food Technology and Human Nutrition

The study program includes, among others product design with a technological and production process, comprehensive assessment of the technological suitability of raw materials, processing, or preservation and storage of food. Students learn how to shape and evaluate the quality of food products and learn the rules of proper nutrition. They undergo apprenticeships in Poland and abroad, and have the opportunity to complete interesting diploma theses in cooperation with the industry and according to their own ideas. Graduates have advanced knowledge and practical skills in the field of food production, storage and distribution. They are prepared to work in various positions in food industry enterprises, enterprises dealing with internal and foreign trade in food, institutes and laboratories related to food testing, and research and development institutions.
The basic elements of the study program include: chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, technical drawing.
Elements related to food technology include, among others: food chemistry, food quality analysis and assessment, general and food microbiology, general food technology, directional food technologies, food industry machinery, process engineering, basics of human nutrition, food toxicology, economics and organization of a food enterprise, organization and management of the production process, basics of technology catering, basics of accounting, product design, food law, food marketing.
The optional nature of the studies enables the development of the individual interests of the student. During their studies, students undergo interesting domestic and foreign apprenticeships and have the opportunity to complete their diploma theses according to their own ideas.
The studies prepare the graduate in the following areas: processing, preservation and storage of food of plant and animal origin, food biotechnology, food quality assessment, food engineering and apparatus of the food industry, organization of production and production management, economics and marketing in food industry enterprises.
Graduates of this field of study can work, among others: in various food industry plants in a wide range of positions, institutes and laboratories related to food research and turnover, domestic and foreign trade, design offices and vocational education, research and development institutions, companies dealing with consultancy in the food industry, own company.
Study program
- Food technology and human nutrition, 1st cycle full-time studies
- Food technology and human nutrition extramural first cycle studies
- Food technology and human nutrition, full-time second-cycle studies
- Food technology and human nutrition extramural second-cycle studies
- First degree faculties
- Second degree faculties