The Faculty of Food Technology (formerly the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Technology and the Faculty of Food Sciences) was established in October 1961, however, studies in the field of agri-food industry at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences have a much longer tradition. Since the establishment of the University, the subject of “agricultural industry” was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture in the Department of Microbiology and Agricultural Industry. In the interwar period, about 120 students specialized in this field.
The first graduates completed their specialization in 1925 and became pioneers in the food industry in our country.
The department headed by Professor Wacław Dąbrowski developed technological research and educated future employees of science in the field of food technology, chemistry and microbiology (the first doctoral degree was awarded in 1934). The pupil of this Department was, among others Prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Pijanowski, an outstanding scientist and teacher, founder of food science in Poland and the first Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Technology established at the beginning of the 1961/1962 academic year.
During the 59 years of operation, many faculty units were reorganized, which was related to the current research and teaching needs. In 1973 the Faculty changed its name to the Faculty of Food Technology. The year 1977 was very important in the history of the Faculty, when the Institute of Human Nutrition, the former organizational unit of the Faculty, was incorporated into the structures of the newly established Faculty of Human Nutrition and Rural Household.
The 2001/2002 academic year, the first in the new millennium, was inaugurated in the beautiful auditorium of a new, own research and teaching building, named after the co-founder of the Faculty – Professor Eugeniusz Pijanowski.
On December 20, 2007 Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) by order No. 44/2007 changed the name of the Faculty of Food Technology to the Faculty of Food Sciences. This name of the Faculty was valid from January 1, 2008. until September 31, 2019
From 1 October 2019 as a result of structural changes at SGGW in Warsaw related to the entry into force of the provisions of Act 2.0, the Faculty of Food Sciences created a teaching unit, Faculty of Food Technology (WTŻ) managed by the Dean, and a research and development unit – the Institute of Food Sciences (INoŻ), supervised by Director. There are four organizational units within the INoŻ: Department of Food Biotechnology and Microbiology, Department of Food Engineering and Production Organization, Department of Chemistry and Department of Food Technology and Assessment, which is the only one with a company structure and includes: Department of Meat Technology, Department of Milk Technology, Department of Fruit Technology , Vegetables and Cereals, Department of Food Technology of Fats and Concentrates and Department of Food Quality Assessment.
Until December 31, 2019 The Faculty Council (currently the Discipline Council) awarded 342 doctoral degrees, 137 postdoctoral degrees in technical sciences and agricultural sciences in the field of food technology and nutrition, and 37 people obtained the title of professor at the request of the Faculty Council. Since 1955 10 594 graduates left the Faculty.
The research and teaching potential of INoŻ is currently represented by 92 academic teachers employed in the following positions: professor – 6, university professor – 10, teaching professor – 1, assistant professor with habilitation – 35, assistant professor – 6, assistant professor – 29, assistant professor with doctorate – 1, assistant professor – 2.